Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Here is where I will be posting about my trip to China.  While we are in China we are going to visit Beijing, Nanjing, Xuzhou, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong.  We will be in China for 2 and a half weeks.  I am really excited to see the Great Wall of China.  I am also looking forward to picking up my little brother Johnathan.  I hope he likes me!

I'd like you to read my blog and follow me when I am in China.


  1. Great Blog Jack! I will be sure to follow along on your trip, it is really cool that you are sharing your travels with friends all over the US. We live in Texas and have been to China too, we have 2 girls from your brother's orphanage. They will be watching your blog, they love to see things from their birth country so be sure to share some pictures.

    I bet your new brother will like you alot, you are already a great big brother, so experienced! He might like you best of all and you will be such a great helper to your mom and dad, and your brother will feel so much less scared with you there, kids love kids, right!! Have a great time, and thanks again for taking the time on your trip to share your stories.

    Sue Arlie Jia and Juni

  2. Jack looking forward to hear about your trip and picking-up Johnathan. How cool!!!!

    I will keep you posted when Jeff wins the race this week.

    Love you


  3. Jack,

    Grandpa couldn't figure out how to write a blog, but I filled out some forms and finally got this "post a comment" section.

    From your blogs and pictures I can tell how much you are learning and seeing. I wish I could be there with you, especially when picking up your brother. I noticed that you learned about jade and bought a jade souvenir at the Great Wall. When you get back perhaps you can tell me what you learned and show me what you bought.

    You are writing a great story-one that I know you'll always remember. When you are reminded of this trip and the blog, you can remember the pleasure you gave everyone that read your blog.

    Love to you, your parents, and to Johnathan

